Frequesntly Asked Questions

It has been said that, “less is more.” Now recent studies are showing that when it comes to keeping fit, less can indeed be more. The concept is called Fit in 5 and is developed by Marvin Ambrosius the world’s number 1 short workout coach. Marvin has created a type of workout routine based on High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) where the exercise time is split up into short bursts of intensive exercise followed by rest periods. The idea is to quickly increase your heart rate then to rest for a period. This will suit individuals of all levels of fitness because the amount of Fit in 5 workouts that you do is down to how fit an individual is. As they become fitter, they can vary the exercises in any number of combinations suitable to themselves

The most fat is burned when your body is exercising in its aerobic range. A good rule of thumb is that after 20 minutes in your aerobic zone, you will be burning more fat than carbs. Your muscles will continue to burn fat after both aerobic and anaerobic (muscle training) exercise.

Based on recent studies, in terms of absolute fat burning, a moderate intensity workout burns the most fat. At a heart rate equal to about 75% of max, fat burning will be between 0.5 grams - 1.0 grams of fat per minute for a 100 to 200 pound person respectively. Fat buring increases by roughly another 10% after one hour of continuous exercise.This is true for aerobic fit people. Less fit people will burn more sugar and less fat.

Research has shown that exercise can help to reduce stress, improve your self-confidence, alleviate anxiety and improve concentration. Plus, it releases endorphins, which encourage feelings of happiness.

Be careful not to over train, as this can put your body and mind under stress, raising levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Therefore a balanced exercise plan is key.

A warm-up helps your body prepare itself for exercise and reduces the chance of injury. The warm-up should be a combination of rhythmic exercise to raise the heartrate, core body and muscle temperature, and static stretching through a full range of motion. The stretches in the warm-up should be non-ballistic and include all of the major muscle groups. A lower back stretch should be performed before doing any lateral movement of the upper torso such as side bends.